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Our young adults love to serve others and make a big impact on improving their campus, community and world.  The TSU Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry is intentional about organizing students for meaningful community service.  Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. 


(Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic) In September, we pack food for the hungry.  In October, we collect needed items for the homeless.  November is our Annual Thanksgiving Campus Wide Food Drive for families in need.  In December we adopt families with children for Christmas. This year amid the pandemic, our students masked up and safely delivered care packages throughout our campus. We delivered masks, sanitizer, hand soap and more essential items to help students stay safe while being back on campus for classes. 

If you or your organization desires to partner together in safely serving the community, please contact us below.

Young Adults Change the World is a TSU Wesley Foundation program that was developed out of our passion to empower young people to be the change that God created them to be in this world. Our youth are the future and we strongly believe that by cultivating and enhancing the leadership skills of the young adults, they will truly be able to change the world.


The TSU Wesley Foundation began its new pilot ministry, PURPOSE during the 2019 fall semester. This new ministry is student led, student driven and will increase our small group formation in spiritual development.

We are excited about how this ministry will engage our partner local church congregations in meaningful  community service with young adults.  This ministry was recently awarded partial funding from the Young Clergy Initiative of the General Board of Higher Education of the United Methodist Church. 

PURPOSE will identify young adults on our campus and community and engage them on a journey to identify spiritual gifts, ignite passions for action in social justice, community service and leadership development. Young adults will engage in small group formation, lead in campus ministry and the local church, and be consistently invited in a safe space to hear, explore, discern and respond to the call of God.  

As a ten year partner with SBC21 ( Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century), we continue within the National Network of Young Adults and HBCU Campus Ministers and Chaplains to build a pipeline of principled young adults to ensure there are young African American clergy and lay leaders in the United Methodist Church. The PURPOSE participants will experience the love and grace of God, led by per young adult leaders in the equipping for ministry and community service.  We are blessed to become a partner with GBHEM Young Clergy Initiative.


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The 615ED (Earth Day) Festival serves as an annual festival to the Nashville community to help bring awareness to environmental issues that our world is facing. We bring awareness to a community who may not otherwise have involvement in environmental activities and we do things such as tree planting and community clean up. The festival is accompanied with music and entertainment as well as food sponsored by local restaurants, businesses and churches. See below for a snippet of some of our previous 615ED Fests and follow us on social media to stay tuned for our upcoming events and the next 615ED Fest!




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